
Poradíme, pomůžeme a naučíme

Jsme profíci a rádi vám předáme naše znalosti v oblasti práškového lakování či anodické oxidace hliníku. Proškolíme vás v obsluze i údržbě zařízení, v práci s chemickými látkami nebo v oboru životního prostředí. Vzděláváme firmy i jednotlivce v moderních prostorách naší firmy nebo u vás. 

Ing. Tomáš Morcinek

Ing. Tomáš Morcinek vám rád zodpoví otázky

+420 730 800 833 - morcinek@itsbrno.cz


Open trainings

Nearest dates of the trainings

Powder coating technology

15. 4. 2025

13 free places

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Powder coating technology

Quality in powder coating lines

16. 4. 2025

13 free places

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Quality in powder coating lines

Corrosion tests and corrosion protection

17. 4. 2025

4 free places

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Corrosion tests and corrosion protection

Prováděná školení

Vyberte si z naší nabídky

Painting line operator

Anodizing plant operator

Environmental training

Quality control

Training tailored to your specific needs

They said about the training

Training participants – uncensored

The audit performed by ITS in Engel was very beneficial. Our ITS colleagues are very competent, experienced and forthcoming. The audit as such took place in a very friendly spirit and we were explained more broadly quite a few things about the technology. Based on our experience, we ordered additional staff training from SQI. The benefit in the operation manifested itself in the horizon of 2-3 weeks from the events performed. I happily recommend our ITS colleagues to other companies, as well.


Bc. Matěj Kovrzek

Technological Specialist of EMCZ, Engel strojírenská spol. s r.o. paint shop

The training was surprisingly beneficial, the lecturer clearly explained interconnections of the problems related to the part coating from the moment of manufacturing. I recommend it to all paint shop employees.  

Ing. Petr Serbousek

Technologist of KORADO a.s. paint shop

We rate SQI excellent! It is a team of experts in the field, there is probably nothing they can’t handle. We are truly satisfied with their services, and we appreciate the cooperation and provided knowledge concerning coating.

Martin Cihlář

Powder coating plant technologist, PZP KOMPLET a.s


Obraťte se na nás

Ing. Tomáš Morcinek

Ing. Tomáš Morcinek

Director of SQI

+420 730 800 833morcinek@itsbrno.cz

Would you like to have an individual training?We are your experts, feel free to contact us.